Visual Studio releases new non-blocking Code Cleanup feature

Microsoft Visual Studio continues to enhance developer productivity with its latest update, introducing non-blocking code cleanup for seamless workflows. This feature allows developers to maintain focus on coding while automatically applying style and formatting improvements in the background. With these updates, Visual Studio ensures a smoother, more efficient coding experience.

Experience a more streamlined workflow with the new non-blocking Code Cleanup feature in Visual Studio 22. Here’s how it enhances your productivity:

  • Work Without Delays: Code Cleanup now runs in the background as you work, so you no longer need to wait for it to finish every time you save your progress.

  • Responsive IDE: The cleanup process no longer locks up your IDE, ensuring it remains fully responsive for a smoother and uninterrupted user experience.

  • Quick Edits on the Fly: Need to make changes mid-cleanup? Simply stop the process, edit, and save again to restart the cleanup on the updated code.

  • Easy Setup: Enable Code Cleanup on save by navigating to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Code Cleanup and turning on Run Code Cleanup profile on Save for your preferred profile.