Dialog Builder: Check your solution version

Dialog Builder solution Configuration Page

  1. Go to https://make.powerapps.com and select your Environment.

  2. Select Solutions, and toggle the view to All solutions.

  3. Search for or select Dialog Builder.

  4. From the Overview tab, select View page under the Configuration page.

  5. Verify that the Installed Version matches the solution Version, and that the Latest Version is showing as Up to date.

Checking version mismatches

If the Configuration page is showing a different Installed Version to the solution Version, you can check solution layering to find the mismatch.

  1. Select the Objects tab from the Dialog Builder solution.

  2. Beside the /js/alert.js Web Resource, select the Commands (…) menu, then select Advanced, and See solution layers.

  3. You can also check this for the /css/alert.css Web Resource if there are any styling issues.

If there is an Unmanaged layer on top

This means the web resource has been modified directly, outside of the managed solution. Unmanaged changes always override managed changes, so even if you install a newer managed solution later, the unmanaged changes remain on top.

Remove the unmanaged layer by selecting the row, and then Remove active customizations from the command bar.

If there is a Managed solution layer above Dialog Builder (AlertJS)

If another managed solution that uses Dialog Builder components was installed after the Dialog Builder solution (for example, Infinity Buttons), then any future updates to the Dialog Builder solution will be prioritized lower in the solution layering. This is because Microsoft takes the original install date when determining the order, rather than the last updated date.

To reset the order, uninstall the Dialog Builder managed solution, and then reinstall the latest version. If the other managed solutions contain all the same web resources (as is the case with Infinity Buttons), you’ll have no issues with dependencies when uninstalling the solution, as the components will still exist.

Once reinstalled, the solution layering will show Dialog Builder (AlertJS) on top for any future updates.

Still having issues?

If you’re still having issues with the version, or if you have any other issues, get in contact with us and our team can assist you.